Thursday, March 22, 2007

Why Google can be success?

Recently, I read a report about Google. It reported that Google is going to enter handphone manufacturing industry. They will produce a phone which is similar to Apple’s iPhone with a cheaper price. Besides, Google search enginer and others Google feature, like Gmail, Google Talk, Google Earth and etc will be built into this phone.

After read this report, it let me think that why Google can be so success in a relatively short period? Initially, it just a search engine provider, then why he can grow until so big like today?

In my opinion, they can be success is because they have good infrastructure, updated technology, and well reputation. But, I think that the most important point is they are creative and willing to change their business model, like introduced Google's AdWords, manufacture Handphone, bought over Youtube and etc. I believed that, there is life cycle for every product or service, only you are willing to change, improve and innovate, then you are able to survive in the market longer.

Googles started to earn money when they introduced auctioning ads that appear alongside the search results. As a No.1 search engine, they are keen to think ways to fully utilize their resource and generate greater revenue.


cellprof said...

Nice thought piece, exploring the potential to expand Google's business model in view of history.

cellprof said...

Here's two ideas of what you could do with scenario planning- 1. apply the technique to the cellphone industry.
2. apply scenario planning to your working life- 1st identify the external structures that will shape your career, then work out which ones may change (the shift from analog to digital hit some people hard), etc.

cellprof said...

Here's two ideas of what you could do with scenario planning- 1. apply the technique to the cellphone industry.
2. apply scenario planning to your working life- 1st identify the external structures that will shape your career, then work out which ones may change (the shift from analog to digital hit some people hard), etc.